In his column arguing that owner Daniel Snyder should change the name of the Washington Redskins, New York Times columnist William C. Rhoden writes: “Snyder remains tone-deaf to the major spiritual tenet that if even one person is offended, that is one too many.”
Who knew fascism had spiritual tenets?
Anyone who is paying attention, as we are learning in this era of trigger warnings and constant efforts to destroy people who do not espouse correct views. the latest victim is George Will, whose column was dropped by the St. Louis Dispatch after he wrote about sexual assault on college campuses.
The piece was not right or wrong, just well-reasoned. The paper’s editors must have felt this way because they ran it. Then the activists – led by the well-funded national group Media Matters – started to complain. The editors quickly caved, deciding to stop running Will’s column because, they claimed, his last one “suggested that sexual assault victims on college campuses enjoy a privileged status.”
Read the column yourself and decide if the paper’s characterization has any basis in reality.
Will is just the latest victim of Rhoden Principle – which is just one more way some liberals seek to silence their opponents. It is frightening.